Cause of Juice WRLD’s death has been revealed


The cause of death of rapper Juice WRLD has been finally revealed. It may be remembered that the singer Jared A. Higgins aged 21 had died suddenly at Chicago’s Midway airport soon after landing there on Dec 8, 2019. 

The autopsy conducted soon after on the rapper was reported to be inconclusive and more details were sought. Now, the final investigation has been completed and the cause of death has been attributed to a drug overdose. 

The cause of death has been identified as an accidental overdose of oxycodone and codeine. The medical examiner has claimed that “The Office determined that Higgins died as a result of oxycodone and codeine toxicity… The manner of death is [an] accident. Higgins was pronounced dead on December 8, 2019, at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill.”

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The rapper who had risen to frame at a very young age had experienced seizure soon after he landed at the Chicago Midway airport. The doctors and paramedical forces attempted to revive before moving him to a local hospital. However, he was declared dead at the hospital. 

The autopsy was conducted on the deceased rapper on Dec 9, but it was declared inconclusive. More tests and investigations – like cardiac pathology, neuropathology, toxicology and histology were ordered. 

After the aforesaid tests were conducted and the results thereof were investigated, the Cook County Medical Examiners have finally concluded that the death was caused by the drug overdose. This has now finally brought all the rumours and conspiracy theories to final rest.