Mercedes Mum – pleading for money online to fund a lavish lifestyle


A mum who supposedly led cops on a 10 km chase reaching the speed of about 200 km per hour in her Mercedes Benz, while her toddler daughter sat restrained in the back is begging for money to fund her lifestyle. For this, she has started a crowdfunding page and in it pleading for about 100,000 dollars of donation to support her lavish lifestyle.

Mercedes Mum

This is all about a woman Named Margarita Tomovska 27 years old earned a name for herself as the Mercedes Mum subsequent to appearing the court over the alleged pursuit in her 260,000 dollars luxury car. She got noticed after turning at Wollongong Local court prior year dressed in jeweled Gucci sunglasses with a price of 1725 dollars along with a figure-hugging Balmain dress with cost of about 2400 dollars and Christian Louboutin shoes.

The lady carried out to flaunt her designer clothing’s, luxury cars as well as frequent trips to the casino on social media and where she attracted a significant following too. Now, what’s latest is that she is smartly using the platform to beg for money to fund her lifestyle and claiming harassment from a New South Wales Police strike force known as Raptor. This police force target bikes along with reacted criminal activity often have stopped her being able to get a job.

It would be interesting to know that on Thursday she wrote on a GoFundMe page which was set on the same night that ‘I know you all don’t know, but I am actually not a bad person.’ These dogs are liars and sic and have something against me without any reason; I am sure I’m not the only one.’ She added that ‘they have made very difficult for me to maintain the job as no one would hire me because of the bullsh. This is the reason I created this GoFund me to raise some help and assistance against the bullsh that they have done to me and also everyone else. It is the time to fight back now, and enough is enough.’

Last year on 12th December, Tomovska was arrested in Helensburgh by strike force Raptor officers. She allegedly sped away in her Mercedes and led police on a 10 km chase. The time she was stopped, police supposedly found a three-year-old kid in the back, distressed and unrestrained. She has pleaded that she was not guilty to both charges and will face hearing on 30th August. However, photos of her pricey purchases, designer bags are very much popular on her social media account since long back before her speeding charge.

Many people also commented on the post updated by her regarding the funding. People fail to see in what way money would benefit anyone other except Tomovska herself. Many others responded to the fundraising efforts with disgust as well as derision. One commentator wrote that ‘you should own to your own actions and doing and take liability for your mistakes instead of whinging regarding how unfair it is on you.’

Many mums took aim at her on the other side by calling her out for allegedly endangering her young daughter in the high-speed police chase.

Tompvska is now trying to raise about 100,000 dollars all the way through donations as she claims that is could not maintain a full-time job. Instead, she has been regularly pictured with luxury cars as well as designer outfits. Also on Monday she shared a photograph of her at The Star in Sydney along with a poker machine and holding about 8000 dollars worth of casino chips. Soon after this, she shared a close picture holding chips alongside with her Louis Vuitton scarf as well as a Versace bag too.

In terms of donation, Tomovska did not explain clearly what the donated money would be utilized for; she simply said that it would help her fight Raptor.