Secret crush, Facebook new dating tool which let you subtly romance nine people

Secret crush, Facebook new dating tool
Facebook Launches ‘Secret Crush’ Feature

Facebook launches a brand new dating tool which will allow you to date, nine people. However, this new Facebook dating tool is still not accessible in many countries but has been launched in several countries so far.  With this new dating app, you can express interest and can romance up to nine friends of yours on Facebook.

This dating app is accessible via the bookmarks tab within the Facebook app and needs setting up a new profile specific to dating. It will work like other conventional dating apps and also let you browse and match the profiles of strangers as well as non-friends too.

In case one of your Facebook friends opted into Facebook Dating and likes you back, they will get a notification by saying that someone likes them also if you are selected among one of their secret crushes that you both will get notified.

According to Facebook with this effort, more users will sign up if they desire to find out who is their secret admirer. This new Facebook dating tool is somewhat similar to Hinge, which is a dating app. the countries where this Facebook Dating app is available are Brazil, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Bolivia, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Thailand, Uruguay, Laos, Malaysia,  Canada, Argentina, Mexico, and  Suriname.

However, it is not available in the UK but is planned to be coming this year later. Thus British Facebook users will also get to enjoy and know about their secret crushes. This feature is only for people who are above 18 years of age and is also totally free with no ads or else paid features.

On Tuesday, Facebook also debuted an overhaul of its social network by captivating its initial solid steps to modify itself into a private messaging and e-Commerce Company as it tries to budge prior scandals while tapping new-fangled revenues sources.

In its Newsfeed Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg revealed a brand new design for Facebook which is the world’s biggest social network. Along with this it also ditched the signature blue banner that has been on Facebook since its launch. This latest design displays Facebook’s messaging app, online marketplace as well as video on demand site, even as giving much fame to the popular photo-driven Stories feature.

Mark Zuckerberg also added that ‘as the world gets bigger and more lined up, we need that sense of intimacy more than before. That is the reason I believe that the future is private. This is the next chapter for our services.’