Storm Hannah: 11,000 homes are left without power, Planes struggle to land

Storm Hannah 11,000 homes are left without power
Storm Hannah 11,000 homes are left without power. (Photo: Cork City Fire Brigade/Twitter)

By bringing 82mph winds, Strom Hannah swept the UK with heavy rains. It leads to difficulty for planes in landing and power failure for thousands of properties.

Until 3 PM today, a Yellow wind warning was issued for the southern and central England. The transport networks were disrupted and the power cuts were experienced by the homes. For Northern Ireland, yellow rain warning was issued after the gales battered it.

Over Liverpool Airport, an airport was recorded as struggling for landing. Another Turkish flight which took off from Birmingham Airport landed after 30 minutes as the tail struck the runway while takeoff due to the heavy gust.

More than 1,700 properties on Saturday morning were left without power, as stated by Western Power Distribution. Majority of the affected areas belongs to Wales. Serious beatings from the storm were received by Republic of Ireland leading to the power cut for more than 25000 properties from 10 AM on Saturday. The main reason was the falling off trees on the overhead lines due to high winds.

Trampolines and tents were spotted to be taking off due to powerful gust throughout the country. Across the roads in Bath Somerset, trees were lie strewn. The powerful waves also knocked Blackpool’s north shore.

Areas like south-west England and Southern Wales are also likely to be affected. Over the exposed coastal stretches, the gust of wind is expected to be at the speed of 60-70mph. Some of the coastal routes will also b affected due to large waves.

The train and bus services are also affected by the disruption to ferry, road and air transport. On Saturday, the heavier rain cleared the afternoon.