UK Plans New Law to Secure ‘Internet of Things’


New Law to Secure ‘Internet of Things’

Internet-connected-gadgets – ‘internet-of-things’ have been secured under the new law. Hackers are targeting internet-connected ovens to toy doll, making the security of each internet of thing vulnerable.  So, under the new law, such devices will be safeguarded using passwords.

This step is taken as a positive initiative for consumers. By the end of 2019, it is estimated to be 14.2 billion internet-connected devices including smart speakers, TVs, and other home appliances, according to the market analyst Garter.

Cyber-hackers often target these devices with the view to hack personal data. These hackers also try to take charge of these devices remotely for misusing or spy on its users.

New labeling System to extend security

Along with the proposed legislation, a new labeling system is also launched to explain the security level of IOT products by Digital Minister Margot James. He referred to this initiative as the UK’s bid to become the global leader in online safety.

Initially, the scheme is voluntary but gradually all the retailers will be debarred to sell off the products without this label.

Following are some of the features required by IoT devices to gain a label:

  • State clearing about the duration of availability of security updates.
  • Offer a unique password by default
  • A public point to disclose all he cyber-security related vulnerability

A voluntary law of practice was published last year in the UK and the proposed laws are on similar lines.

Several security issues have been discovered in consumer IoT devices including the pre-set unchangeable passwords which are not fixed by the manufacturers and are considered inappropriate and unacceptable on the part of such manufacturers.

Many flaws have also been identified by the Cyber-security expert Ken Munro. However, he referred this legislation as a positive step towards the fixation of mess on the consumer smart product security.

The proposals are limited but a good initiative and it is very important that the government disallow the proposed regulations to vanish during the consultation, mentioned by him.

Now the buyers are expected to make an informed decision as the product security labeling has been proposed by the government of the UK.