Typing has become such an important skill that we all should perfect. The world has transitioned to a digital place where typing is one of the key aspects. Gone are the days of writing and getting your work done. The internet is now resorted to, to get work done; be it on your laptop, tab or even phone.
It is not just typing that we need to learn, but it is typing faster than we need to ace. Typing faster is beneficial to us in many ways. It helps us save time and boosts our productivity. If we learn the art of typing faster, we can do lots more work in a shorter time.
In order to type faster, one should learn touch typing. What this means is one should be able to type without looking at the keys and hence saving more time. This is the most important factor which will lead to speedy typing. It might be hard, in the beginning, to learn how to touch type especially for beginners, but with time and practice your fingers will memorize the location of each key on the keyboard making it easier for you to type without having to look down.
When you are learning how to type at a faster pace, first focus on accuracy more than speed. This is because if you are so focused on typing fast, you are bound to make mistakes and hence go back to rectify them. This is a sheer waste of time. It is advisable that you first begin to learn to hit every key correctly. As time passes by, this will become part of your muscle memory and you’ll be able to hit the correct keys faster.
Remember, if you come across a bigger and harder word, slow down at that point and do not rush.
It is also important to learn where what keys are. Knowing that basic keys are fine, but knowing where the not so common keys are can drastically affect your speed at typing. This is because you will have to constantly look down to search for it which cuts down the speed.
Practice makes perfect. This applies especially for typing for beginners. Keep practicing your typing speed and accuracy daily. This will go a long way when you have actual work to do. Your fingers will move as smooth as butter over each key and you’ll have developed a rhythm that will help you to type faster, better and precise.
There are certain exercises that you find on the net that will help you practice your typing.